Advisory Board


Family Resource Center (FRC) has a unique organizational structure as a “nonprofit arm” of the Roaring Fork School District (RFSD). We follow governance policies and procedures outlined by the RFSD and thus do not have unique bylaws or board structures. Our work is overseen by both the RFSD Board of Education and our own FRC advisory board.

The FRC advisory board is a constant source of guidance for our organization. Advisory board members support our mission and hold us accountable in meeting families’ needs through our case-management, family services and wellness. Our FRC board meets six times per year and provides fiscal oversight, programming recommendations, facilitates community partnerships, and provides critical support for strategic decision-making and planning. We are continuing to strengthen our board membership by developing systems and structures to ensure meaningful, responsive and collaborative board meetings that move beyond basic status reporting. We are building on the stakeholder diversity we have been able to attract to the broader district advisory meetings and include more of our families, clients and partners in authentic advisory roles for our organization.


Kelly Medina

Members at Large

Sean Nesbitt, Parent

Carrie Godes, Parent

Maria Judith Alvarez, Parent